The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has upheld the basic principles of Net neutrality, disallowing telecom operators from prioritising, throttling or blocking content on their networks. The regulator also reiterated that internet use should be facilitated so that it advances the free speech rights of citizens, by ensuring diversity of views, opinions, and ideas. TRAI, however, made some exceptions for special services. “The provision of any specialised services should be excluded from the principle of non-discrimination,” it said. These services will be decided by the government, but could cover online healthcare. The Internet of things (IoTs) will not be exempt from the principles of Net neutrality. On monitoring of internet traffic, TRAI recommended that the DoT establish an industry-led body with a framework for collaboration.
TRAI wants ‘neutral’ Net to push free speech
Date posted: Thursday 30 November 2017
Tags: Featured, Indian Telecom Industry