Markets regulator SEBI came out with the framework and timeline for the counter offer process. The counter offer is made…
Articles on "SEBI"
SEBI provides framework for counter offer process
Date posted: Thursday 14 March 2019
Sebi unveils more reforms, board clears easier startup listing rules
Date posted: Thursday 13 December 2018
In a series of reforms, capital market regulator Sebi’s board cleared easing of norms to kick-start startup listings and allowed…
After IL&FS, SEBI tightens norms for raters
Date posted: Wednesday 14 November 2018
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has tightened the disclosure norms for credit rating agencies (CRAs) that will…
Update of small but significant changes in Corporate Law
Date posted: Saturday 24 October 2015
Laws:Companies Act 2013, FEMA, SEBI
In the past few weeks, there have been small but important changes in rules and regulations of SEBI, FEMA and Companies Act. This article will provide you with a summary of these newly introduced changes.
Format of uniform Listing Agreement
Date posted: Saturday 17 October 2015
SEBI had, on 2nd September, 2015, notified the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“SEBI Listing Regulations”) replacing the Listing agreement. Since the SEBI Listing Regulations consolidate and streamline the existing listing agreements for different segments of the capital market into one single document across various types of securities listed on the stock exchanges, the actual Listing Agreement to be signed by the listed entities need not be as detailed and intricate.
The SEBI Listing Regulations, provide for a shortened version of the Listing Agreement which would be required to be signed by a company getting its securities listed on Stock Exchanges. SEBI has, on 13th October, 2015, notified the format of the uniform Listing Agreement by circular No. CIR/CFD/CMD/6/2015.
This week’s article provides you with the applicability of the Listing Agreement, the requirement of existing listed entities to sign this agreement and format of the new Listing Agreement.