S&P Global Ratings raised India’s 2020-21 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) forecast to a contraction of 7.7 percent, as against -9…
Articles on "India’s GDP"
S&P raises India’s FY21 GDP forecast to -7.7%
Date posted: Thursday 17 December 2020
Laws:India’s GDP
Fitch revises India GDP forecast, sees contraction at 9.4%
Date posted: Wednesday 9 December 2020
Laws:India’s GDP
Fitch Ratings raised India’s GDP forecast to -9.4 per cent in the current fiscal year to March 2021 from a…
Indian economy contracts by 7.5% in Q2
Date posted: Monday 30 November 2020
Laws:India’s GDP, Indian Economy
India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contracted 7.5% in the second quarter of 2020-21, following the record 23.9% decline recorded in the first…
Goldman Sachs raises India’s FY21 GDP forecast to -10.3%
Date posted: Thursday 19 November 2020
Laws:India’s GDP
Goldman Sachs revised upwards its FY21 growth forecast for India to a 10.3% contraction, from -14.8% it had projected in…
Moody’s revises India 2020 GDP forecast, sees 8.9% contraction vs 9.6% earlier
Date posted: Friday 13 November 2020
Laws:India’s GDP
Moody’s Investors Service has revised India’s GDP forecast upwards for calendar year 2020 to -8.9% contraction from -9.6% contraction forecasted…