Indian nutraceuticals market is expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate of 21 per cent and reach $…
Articles on "Indian Healthcare Industry"
Nutraceuticals market may grow to $10 billion by 2022
Date posted: Friday 14 July 2017
Laws:Featured, Indian Healthcare Industry
India IVD sector: Scaling the next growth trajectory
Date posted: Monday 8 May 2017
Laws:Featured, Indian Healthcare Industry
The invitro diagnostics (IVD) market in India is growing at a phenomenal pace and the country has the potential to…
Price control is a blunt instrument in healthcare
Date posted: Wednesday 8 March 2017
Laws:Featured, Indian Healthcare Industry
With the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) venturing into new territory, from essential medicines to medical devices, the spotlight has…
What healthcare sector CIOs predict about health IT in 2017?
Date posted: Tuesday 3 January 2017
Laws:Featured, Indian Healthcare Industry
Healthcare and wellness industry in India surprisingly is among the many sectors that is seeing a gradual rise in adoption…
Fixing India’s Healthcare System
Date posted: Thursday 15 May 2014
Laws:Indian Healthcare Industry
With India at a crossroads, with a new government expected soon, the time is ripe to put healthcare reform at…