Stressed assets in the power sector would not be “sold for a song” as these projects would become viable with an upcoming surge in demand, power minister RK Singh said. A State Bank of India-led consortium of banks had identified as many as 11 stressed power projects with a combined capacity of 12,460 MW for possible takeover by new promoters under the so-called Samadhan scheme (see chart). State-run Rural Electrification Corporation has also come up with a plan to revive stressed power assets and the finance ministry would consider this proposal as well. Non-performing assets (NPAs) in the power generation sector have more than doubled to around Rs.70,000 cr. from Rs.34,244 cr. a year ago. Also, about 10,000 MW of power generation assets with a total debt of over Rs.34,600 cr. are now before National Company Law Tribunal, constituting 18% of the sector’s exposure to lenders. Out of these assets, 8,800 MW (debt of Rs.24,000 cr.) are in early stages of construction with major milestones yet to be achieved.
Stressed Power Assets: No distress sale, says Centre
Date posted: Wednesday 6 June 2018
Tags: Featured, Indian Power Industry