Bengaluru-based SmarterBiz, an end-to-end CX platform enabled with the gig workforce, has raised Rs 8 crore as a part of its Pre-Series A round. The contributors for this funding round were StartupXseed Ventures (Deep Technology – B2B – early-stage fund); Bhaskar Pramanik, Former Chairman of Microsoft India; MJ Aravind, Former Co-founder Daksh, Former Partner Artiman; Ravi Viswanath; Ramesh Radhakrishnan; Ranjan Biswas; and MJ Aniketh. With the investment, they plan to grow by 8X ARR this year and create more gig opportunities in the market.
SmarterBiz raises Rs 8 Cr in Pre-Series A from StartupXseed and angels
Date posted: Friday 21 August 2020