Media and entertainment (M&E) industry can help India become more resilient to fundamental changes in the global economy by adding more than $100 billion to the country’s economy annually if the government implements progressive policies. Labour, capital, markets and regulations are the four key pillars needed to work hand in hand in order to facilitate unfettered growth and bolster value formation in the creative economy, popularly known as the media and entertainment industry. In the case of India, three of these prerequisites are already met; however, the lack of a supportive regulatory ecosystem continues to be a hurdle to growth. A policy framework aimed at spurring growth in the broadcasting sector must ensure that the structural segregation is reflected in the laws that regulate the different aspects.To this end, existing laws must be reoriented toward creating a conducive ecosystem for economic abundance.
Media and entertainment industry can add over $100 billion a year to economy
Date posted: Thursday 10 August 2017
Tags: Featured, Indian M&E Industry