Kaagaz Scanner, an Indian document scanning and storage app, said it has raised $575,000 in a funding round led by Pravega Ventures alongside Axilor Ventures, Better Capital. A few prominent angel investors, including Phanindra Sama, Founder of RedBus; Farooq Adam, Founder of Fynd; and others also participated in the round. Speaking on the investment, Co-founder Snehanshu Gandhi, said, “We plan to use this fresh round of funding to accelerate growth for Kaagaz Scanner and to increase our team size to speed up product development. Along with the app, we are also looking to build a suite of AI-powered utility tools for our users that will help them manage their day-to-day tasks seamlessly.” Made in India Kaagaz Scanner rose to prominence after the Indian government banned 59 Chinese apps in June of this year, including the popular CamScanner.
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Made in India Kaagaz Scanner raises funding from Pravega Ventures, Axilor Ventures, and others
Date posted: Monday 30 November 2020