The Indian auto components industry registered a growth of 18.3 per cent to Rs.3.45 lakh cr. (USD 51.2 billion) for the first time in the financial year 2017-18. In the fiscal year 2016-17, the industry had a turnover of Rs.2.92 lakh cr. Exports of auto components grew by 23.9 per cent to Rs.90,571 cr. (USD 13.5 billion) from Rs.73,128 cr. (USD 10.9 billion) in 2016-17. Imports of auto components increased by 17.8 per cent to Rs.1,06,672 cr. (USD 15.9 billion) in 2017-2018 from Rs.90,571 cr. (USD 13.5 billion) in 2016-2017.
Indian Auto Component Industry rose 18% to breach $50bn for the first time in FY18
Date posted: Tuesday 7 August 2018