Gujarat, WB, UP, Rajasthan and Maharashtra have emerged as the frontrunners of the burgeoning electric vehicle race. These five states clocked the highest number of EV sales during FY2016-17. Gujarat topped the list with sales of just over 4,330 units. WB appeared in the second place with sales of 2,846 units, followed by UP which sold a total of 2,467 electric vehicles during the said period. Rajasthan reported sales of around 2,388 EV units, while Maharashtra came in fifth with sales of 1,926 units. In addition, 25,000 e-vehicles were sold across India between 2016-17. Of the total EVs sold in the last fiscal year, nearly 92% were two-wheelers. Electric cars and four-wheelers accounted for less than 8% of the total sales.
Gujarat Clocks Highest Electric Vehicle Sales, Followed By WB: Report
Date posted: Wednesday 29 November 2017