The FMCG industry witnessed a sharp 34 per cent drop in sales in April due to mobility restrictions and supply side challenges during the lockdown, after registering single-digit growth in the first quarter, according to market insights firm Nielsen. The decline was mainly on account of lower sales in traditional retail channels such as grocers, chemists, neighbourhood shops and cosmetics stores, while modern trade like hypermarkets and big retail chains continued to grow in April 2020. Traditional retail witnessed a decline of 38 per cent in April due to area/shop closures. On an average, a traditional retail shop was closed for 12 days in April due to various restrictions and constraints. This number was significantly higher for outlets other than chemists and grocers, Nielsen said in the third edition of its report on FMCG sector after COVID-19.
FMCG sales drop 34% in April; e-commerce, cash & carry show recovery in lockdown 2.0: Nielsen
Date posted: Wednesday 17 June 2020
Tags: India's FMCG Sector