India’s total export of finished steel was up by 16.7 per cent in April-March 2017-18 at 9.621 MT over same period of last year, in which contribution of the non-alloy steel segment stood at 8.727 MT, while the rest was the contribution of the alloy steel segment including stainless steel. Import of total finished steel was at 7.482 mt in April-March 2017-18, up by 3.5 per cent over same period of last year, in which contribution of the non-alloy steel segment stood at 5.636 MT, while the rest was the contribution of the alloy steel segment, including stainless steel. India’s total production of finished steel during the just concluded fiscal grew 3.1% to 104.966 MT.
Finished steel exports surge 17% in FY18
Date posted: Monday 7 May 2018
Tags: Featured, Indian Steel Industry