Foreign direct investment (FDI) during the previous fiscal grew 18 per cent to Rs 28.25 lakh crore, data from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) showed. FDI increased by Rs 4,33,300 crore, including revaluation of past investments, during 2017-18 to reach Rs 28,24,600 crore in March 2018 at market value. Overseas direct investment (ODI) by Indian companies increased by 5 per cent to Rs 5.28 lakh crore. The census showed that Mauritius continued to be the largest source of FDI in India (19.7 per cent) followed by the US, the UK, Singapore and Japan. In case of overseas investment by Indian companies, Singapore (17.5 per cent) was the major destination, followed by the Netherlands, Mauritius and the US. Manufacturing sector had majority share in total FDI. ‘Information and communication services and ‘financial and insurance activities’ were other major recipients of FDI.
FDI grew 18% in FY18 to Rs 28.25 lakh crore: RBI data
Date posted: Tuesday 29 January 2019
Tags: FDI