As a major Diwali gift to borrowers, the Finance Ministry has approved guidelines for a scheme for grant of ex-gratia payment of the difference between compound interest and simple interest for six months of loans up to Rs 2 crore. The guidelines came after the Supreme Court directed the Centre to implement “as soon as possible” interest waiver on loans of up to Rs 2 crore under the RBI moratorium scheme in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. As per the operational guidelines issued by Department of Financial Services, the scheme can be availed by borrowers in specified loan accounts for a period from March 1 to August 31, 2020.”Borrowers who have loan accounts having sanctioned limits and outstanding amount of not exceeding Rs 2 crore (aggregate of all facilities with lending institutions) as on February 29 shall be eligible for the scheme,” it said. The scheme is applicable on those who have not availed the moratorium scheme and continued with the repayment of loans.
Diwali gift to borrowers: Centre issues guidelines for interest waiver on loans up to Rs 2 crore
Date posted: Monday 26 October 2020