Quick-service restaurant chain Burger King India has raised Rs 364.5 crore from 55 anchor investors ahead of its public issue opening. “The IPO Committee and the promoter selling shareholder in consultation with merchant bankers have finalised allocation of 6,07,50,000 equity shares to anchor investors,” the company said in its filing to exchanges. The company decided to allot shares to anchor investors at a price of Rs 60 per share, the higher price band. Sundaram MF, Steinberg India Emerging Opportunities Fund, ICICI Prudential, Samsung India Securities, Nippon Life, Fidelity Funds, Government of Singapore, Eastspring Investments India, Aditya Birla Sun Life Trustee, Elara India Opportunities Fund, IDFC MF, SBI MF, Monetary Authority of Singapore, HDFC MF and Amansa Holdings among those investors participated in anchor book.
Burger King raises Rs 364 crore from 55 anchor investors ahead of IPO
Date posted: Thursday 3 December 2020