Banks credit grew at 6.13 per cent to Rs 101.04 lakh crore while deposits expanded by 9 per cent to Rs 133.31 lakh crore in the fortnight to February 28, according to the latest Reserve Bank data. In the year-ago fortnight ended March 1, 2019, banks advances were at Rs 95.20 lakh crore while deposits stood at Rs 122.30 lakh crore. In the previous fortnight which ended on February 14, 2020, bank credit had grown by 6.36 per cent to Rs 100.41 lakh crore, while deposits rose by 9.2 per cent to Rs 132.35 lakh crore. Growth in advances to the services sector decelerated to 8.9 per cent from 23.9 per cent in January 2019. During the month, personal loans segment grew by 16.9 per cent, unchanged from the year-ago period.
Banks credit grows at 6.13pc, deposits by 9 pc in 2nd half of February
Date posted: Friday 13 March 2020
Tags: India's Banking Sector