Mumbai-headquartered smart fans maker Atomberg Technologies on Tuesday announced that it had raised a Series B fundraise of Rs 70 crore led by A91 Partners. The round also saw participation from Trifecta Capital and Survam Partners, the family office of the Suman Kant Munjal group. The company has previously raised a total of Rs 90 crore from A91 partners, IDFC Parampara, and Survam Partners The startup said the fresh funds will be used for amplifying distribution networks across all metro and non-metro cities, and building brand awareness. The funds will also be used for ramping up production capacity. The company also plans to expand the current product portfolio to include more product categories other than fans built on the core value proposition of BLDC and motor technology.
(Times of India)
Atomberg Technologies raises Rs 70 crore in Series B funding
Date posted: Wednesday 9 December 2020