Seeking to boost listing of start-ups, markets watchdog Sebi proposed a slew of relaxations to norms, including reducing holding period for pre-issue capital, providing differential voting rights to promoters and allowing discretionary allotment to all eligible investors. The changes have been proposed to the framework for listing on the Innovators Growth Platform (IGP).On the lines of provisions for listing of companies on the main board, Sebi has proposed that the issuer company on the IGP should be allowed to allocate up to 60 percent of the issue size on a discretionary basis prior to issue opening for subscription. It has been recommended that family trusts should be included in AI definition. Currently, definition covers only individuals and body corporate. “Since, life cycle of start-up companies eventually lead them to get merged or acquired by a larger company, stringent takeover requirements, may become aroad block in such scenarios,” Sebi noted. Public comments on the consultation paper have been sought till January 11.