GoNuts, a celebrity commerce platform, has raised Rs 3.5 crore in seed funding. Founded by serial entrepreneurs Vinamra Pandiya and Mayank Gupta along with Joji George in March 2020, GoNuts bridges the gap between celebrities and their fans. It allows fans to get personalised messages from their favourite celebrities. The fresh funding round was led by marquee investors Sweta Rau and Archana Priyadarshini, apart from existing investors, 9Unicorns, AngelList, Lets Venture, Pankaj Chaddah (co-founder, Mindhouse & Zomato), Ramakant Sharma, (co-founder, LivSpace), IIM Indore Alumni Fund, Harshal Morde (Morde Foods) and other angels and founders.
(Economic Times)
Celebrity commerce startup GoNuts raises Rs 3.5 crore in seed funding
Date posted: Wednesday 11 November 2020