India’s traditional PC market, including desktops, notebooks, and workstations, registered a 37.3 per cent decline year-on-year for the June 2020 quarter to 2.1 million units, according to research firm IDC. The traditional PC market had registered a total shipment of 3.3 million units in the June 2019 quarter, which was the biggest quarter in the past five years as Lenovo had executed a mega deal of 1.1 million units for Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu (ELCOT).”Outside this deal, the PC market saw an annual decline of 6.3 per cent in Q2 2020. In the product categories, desktop PCs were the most impacted with a 46.4 per cent decline,” IDC said in a report. Discounting Lenovo’s ELCOT deal, notebooks grew 17.6 per cent in the June 2020 quarter from the year-ago period, it added. The consumer segment had a relatively small quarter since the market was operational for just 45 days due to the countrywide lockdown in the first half of the quarter, IDC said. However, strong demand from e-learning was able to cover the gap to some extent, it added. The consumer segment saw a y-o-y decline of 21 per cent in the June 2020 quarter, while there was a 3.3 per cent quarter-on-quarter growth. Online buying played an important role in this quarter, and as a result, vendors shipped almost one-third of their PCs to online channels, IDC said.
India’s PC market falls 37.3% in June qtr, WFH drives notebook sales: IDC
Date posted: Thursday 13 August 2020
Tags: India’s PC Market