Days after announcing a ₹43,574 crore deal with Facebook, Reliance Industries announced that private equity firm Silver Lake will invest ₹ 5,655.75 crore into Jio Platforms for 1.15% stake. This investment values Jio Platforms at an equity value of ₹ 4.90 lakh crore and an enterprise value of ₹ 5.15 lakh crore. RIL chairman and managing director Mukesh Ambani said Silver Lake has an outstanding record of being a valuable partner for leading technology companies globally. “Silver Lake is one of the most respected voices in technology and finance. We are excited to leverage insights from their global technology relationships for the Indian Digital Society’s transformation,” he said.
Jio Platforms gets ₹5,655 crore investment from PE giant Silver Lake
Date posted: Wednesday 20 May 2020