The Indian industry saved over Rs.9,500 cr. over the past three years by adopting energy efficiency initiatives, the power ministry said in a statement. The systematic efforts by adopting energy conservation measures by 400 industries coupled with technology upgradation have resulted in energy savings worth Rs.9,500 crores annually. The main industry sectors where energy savings were evaluated included thermal power plants, fertilizer, chlor alkali, aluminium, iron and steel, pulp and paper, textile and cement. The ministry also released the outcome report for the study of the PAT scheme conducted by BEE which demonstrated energy savings of 8.67 million tonnes of oil equivalent (MTOE) against the target of 6.686 MTOE. The implementation of the scheme resulted in investment of around Rs.26,000 crore by the industry and reduction in 31 million tonne of Carbon Dioxide annually. The PAT scheme is mandatory for all the designated consumers notified by BEE. It is a market based mechanism to reduce specific energy consumption in energy intensive sectors. The scheme has been extended to over 800 designated consumers covering 13 sectors.
Indian Industry saved Rs.9,500 crore in three year through energy efficiency
Date posted: Wednesday 26 September 2018
Tags: Energy Efficiency, Featured