After an expert panel found possibilities of health risks, the Indian government has banned around 6,000 brands of medicine. The banned list comprises several popular painkillers, creams, antibiotics, antidiabetic drugs which you can no longer buy from the market. The strict step by government is based on recommendations made by a panel of experts formed by the Drugs Technical Advisory Board (DTAB). The panel had said there is no therapeutic justification for the ingredients contained in these FDCs. The expert panel had even flagged off possible risks to those taking these FDCs which are now banned. Besides the 328 drugs, another 6 FDCs have also come under scrutiny. The government has restricted its sale subject to therapeutic justification.
Govt bans hundreds of painkillers, creams, antibiotics. 5 things to know
Date posted: Friday 14 September 2018
Tags: Featured, Indian Healthcare