This is what the world is purchasing from India a lot, and it will cheer up engineers

Date posted: Friday 27 April 2018

Even as India’s exports remained muted despite the global economy performing well, the data show that the world is pretty interested in purchasing India’s engineering goods. India’s exports are dominated by engineering goods and constituted 24% of the total goods exports in the financial year 2016-17. Engineering goods range from cars, automobile parts to spacecraft products. The indigenization and self-sufficiency goals of the import substitution had made momentum to the growth of Indian Engineering goods sector. India’s engineering products are in high demand in the United States and Europe. Latest data show that 60% of the total engineering goods go to these two. Other major markets for Indian engineering goods are Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Czech Republic, Bangladesh, Egypt, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, China, Malaysia, Indonesia and Netherlands.

(Financial Express)

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