“Our growth story, which we feel is intact, is also accepted by others who are ready to invest into India during these times,” economic affairs secretary Tarun Bajaj said, citing a 13% jump in foreign direct investment during April-August. GST collections crossed Rs 1lakh crore for the first time since February this year as per latest official data. October IHS Markit India Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) rose to 58.9 from 56.8 in September, the highest reading since May 2010. Eway bills, a measure of goods movement, logged in at 64.1million in October, the highest since the system was rolled out two years ago. An International Monetary Fund report had forecast a growth of 8.8% for India next year, which is the highest so far for any major economy
Indian economy recovering fast, all parameters show improvement: DEA Secretary Tarun Bajaj
Date posted: Thursday 5 November 2020
Tags: Indian Economy