Amid the government’s intent to fast-track infrastructure development, 14 projects worth over Rs 33,000 crore in various areas are expected to be considered by the Cabinet Committee on Investment shortly. The projects are in the sectors of industry, petroleum and natural gas, power, road transport and highways, shipping, textiles and railways. Out of the 14 projects, six are for Andhra Pradesh, four for Maharashtra, three for Karnataka and one for Jharkhand, sources said. These projects, pending clearances on various counts including environment, are being put up before the CCI amidst the government’s intent to push infrastructure development to shed the perception of policy paralysis. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh made it clear during his press conference on Friday that the government would push reforms in its remaining period while acknowledging that infrastructure bottlenecks and delays in projects clearances had influenced and contributed to the economic slowdown.
CCI to consider projects worth Rs 33,000 crore
Date posted: Wednesday 8 January 2014
Tags: Infrastructure Industry