The battery technology that powers India’s satellites is all set to now power the country’s electric vehicles. In a major breakthrough for the country’s electric vehicle programme, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and the Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) have jointly developed a lithium ion battery for automotive application. These batteries will also soon power small commercial vehicles with a bigger battery and a higher volt. The ISRO-ARAI combine is now looking at partnering with automotive companies to commercialise this technology. The country imports 100% of the lithium battery requirements, and so far, there is no manufacturing in the country. ISRO has been using these batteries in their satellites and has adapted this technology for the automotive applications, ISRO worked on the cell development and modifying it for automotives as their requirements were different. There are only a few companies across the world that have the technology to make these cells and ISRO is among them. ARAI worked on converting these cells to a battery and now the challenge is to manufacture it in India.
After satellites, ‘desi’ lithium batteries to power electric vehicles in India
Date posted: Friday 20 January 2017
Tags: Featured, Indian Auto Sector