RBI Releases Guidelines for P2P Lending; Levies Restrictions on Lenders and Borrowers

Date posted: Friday 6 October 2017

After over a year of deliberations and discussions, the RBI has finally released the official guidelines for non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) engaged in P2P lending in the country. In a draft, titled “Non-Banking Financial Company – Peer to Peer Lending Platform (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2017”, the central banking institution has specified a list of directions pertaining to the registration and operation of NBFC-P2Ps. Currently, at a nascent stage, the P2P lending landscape in India is poised to grow into a $4 billion-$5 billion industry by 2023.While the newly-released directions by the RBI come with a lot of positives, how far the drawbacks will affect the fledgling industry’s growth is something that only time will tell. (Details about the guidelines are mentioned in the link below.)


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